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Diversity you said!!!

We should rename our diving spot `small world` for `Nudibranch`s Paradise`, this is one of the many pictures of the dozen of nudibranches from all type that we came across this morning. A new type of flat worm and a shy MANDARINE FISH :)) also made our dive very special!

Diversity you said!!!
Sashiburi desu!! As they say in Japanese! It means: `long time no see`. In fact, the cuttle fish are very abundand around Ishigaki Jima during the winter time...well, as I said before, time to bring the 5mm wet suits, winter is upon us with the lovely cuttle fishes!! First one for me this season.
Diversity you said!!!

To make sure that our dive was perfect...while looking for some scorpion fishes I found this crocodile fish. Daniel, our Swiss guest, was very happy about it!
Diversity you said!!!

Posted by 海講座スタッフ at 15:20│Comments(0)