Hihi everyone
Today was good weather after stormy spring wind
surprised hole Japan.
Cherry blossoms start to groom in Tokyo

But, our guest Will&Vicky tried few dives look for Manta,
they still never shows up
Experienced diver Curl also miss the chance....

Honey comb moray come to make us happy
Not only his face
He shows his huge long body right in front of us

After Manta point was Yonehara Pukapi
Great visibility
fresh coral
Nice and relax dive

There were many cuttlefish still there
One follow another, another follow another else.
They never scared of us

Lion fish was also very friendly of us
She seems like dancing and checking all of our reactions
So cute

Today was good weather after stormy spring wind

surprised hole Japan.
Cherry blossoms start to groom in Tokyo


But, our guest Will&Vicky tried few dives look for Manta,
they still never shows up

Experienced diver Curl also miss the chance....

Honey comb moray come to make us happy

Not only his face

He shows his huge long body right in front of us

After Manta point was Yonehara Pukapi

Great visibility

Nice and relax dive

There were many cuttlefish still there

One follow another, another follow another else.
They never scared of us

Lion fish was also very friendly of us

She seems like dancing and checking all of our reactions

So cute

Posted by 海講座スタッフ at 17:48│Comments(0)