7-25 Diving & Snorkeling team
Today blog's by HARVEY.

Black Spotted Moray.Today we saw it at Yonehara,Minami dive point.
Wow!so many type's of fish around.Here also Yonehara,Minami dive point.

Lucky day again for me!I saw Manta again!

The Manta come above me and i take this photo with our's snorkeling team!

This is the second Manta on the same dive also swimming around!

Black Spotted Moray.Today we saw it at Yonehara,Minami dive point.
This moray very shy and always stay in side.

Devil Scorpion fish.While we are taking some photo of false clown anemone

Devil Scorpion fish.While we are taking some photo of false clown anemone
fish at Minami dive point then i found the Devil Scorpion fish just stay around
the anemone area.

Wow!so many type's of fish around.Here also Yonehara,Minami dive point.

Lucky day again for me!I saw Manta again!

The Manta come above me and i take this photo with our's snorkeling team!

This is the second Manta on the same dive also swimming around!

Today's fun diver and snorkeling team!say hi to Manta!
Posted by 海講座スタッフ at 14:51│Comments(1)
2shot写真楽しみにしてます。 ヒロキ
2shot写真楽しみにしてます。 ヒロキ
Posted by ヒロキ at 2012年07月25日 19:23