20121212Diving around Sakieda area!
Today's blog by HARVEY.

Today's introduction diver!

Bat fish,this photo were taken at Honsen Hagata,Sakieda area dive point!
Very easy to see them at this side!

Introduction diver and the cllown anemone fish!

Cuttle fish,this photo were taken at Honsen Hagata,Sakieda area dive point!
At this season,at this side often can see cuttle fish!

Beautiful,healthy coral and coral fish!

Today's introduction diver!

Bat fish,this photo were taken at Honsen Hagata,Sakieda area dive point!
Very easy to see them at this side!

Introduction diver and the cllown anemone fish!

Cuttle fish,this photo were taken at Honsen Hagata,Sakieda area dive point!
At this season,at this side often can see cuttle fish!

Beautiful,healthy coral and coral fish!
Posted by 海講座スタッフ at 11:50│Comments(0)