20130321 Dive around Sakieda area!
Today's blog by Harvey.

Anemone Shrimp.Ishigaki dive points have lot's of this type of shrimp around.

Fire Goby.Very easy to see them but can't get so close!

Nudibranch.This photo were taken at Hanagui dive points.

Tomato Anemone fish.

Banded Pipe fish.This photo were taken at Bat fish paradise dive point.

Anemone Shrimp.Ishigaki dive points have lot's of this type of shrimp around.

Fire Goby.Very easy to see them but can't get so close!

Nudibranch.This photo were taken at Hanagui dive points.

Tomato Anemone fish.

Banded Pipe fish.This photo were taken at Bat fish paradise dive point.
Posted by 海講座スタッフ at 14:58│Comments(0)