20130520Dive around Yonehara,Minami area.
Today's blog by Harvey.

Clown anemone fish.This photo were taken at Yonehara,Minami dive point.

Clark's anemone fish.This photo were taken at Yonehara,Minami dive point.
At this area have lot's of different type of anemone fish around.

Trumpet fish.This photo were taken at Yonehara,Minami dive point.
This trumpet fish like to stay close with the bouy line.

Beautiful and healthy corals around Yonehara,Minami dive point.

Clown anemone fish.This photo were taken at Yonehara,Minami dive point.

Clark's anemone fish.This photo were taken at Yonehara,Minami dive point.
At this area have lot's of different type of anemone fish around.

Trumpet fish.This photo were taken at Yonehara,Minami dive point.
This trumpet fish like to stay close with the bouy line.

Beautiful and healthy corals around Yonehara,Minami dive point.
Posted by 海講座スタッフ at 15:10│Comments(0)